Learning Process

The foundational theory behind the institute is that anyone, regardless of class, gender, and education, has the capacity to grow into an effective organizational leader. We use a participatory learning model that is rooted in the real-life context of the leader in order to help develop practical ministry strategies and solutions, rather than focusing simply on theoretical concepts.

Our long-term goal is to help Christian leaders become more effective in guiding their churches and organizations so that their organizations can be more effective in discipleship, planting churches, and integral mission engagement. We also desire for leaders to be transformed internally by demonstrating authentic Christian character that brings light to a dark world.

We develop leaders in three ways:

[Currently on hold due to the pandemic]

In order for this internal and leadership transformation to take root for long-term impact, we will spend a year with each participant in a cohort of 10-15 entrepreneurial, missional leaders. Those in the cohort will meet quarterly (every three months) for intensive 3-day seminar sessions to develop their capacity to strengthen their organizations to achieve their vision and mission.

Learn anywhere, from any device. Our app based microlearning courses put learning in the palm of participants hands in short, manageable, interactive lessons.

Tier 1: Discovering Your Need – Walks through an overview of the 5 Principles of Global Leadership to help participants narrow down their leadership growth area.

Tier 2: Defining Your Need – Upon completion of Tier 1, participants advance to more focused lessons designed to further target the area they desire to grow in leadership. They will be connected with a private leadership community and hear from local facilitators.

Tier 3: Solutions For Your Need – Upon completion of Tier 2, participants will have access to the entire course library, one-on-one time with a local facilitator and experts to help guide them through developing a specific plan to address their need.

[Currently on hold due to the pandemic]

We develop leaders regionally in 3 countries and growing. We recruit local leaders to participate in person and through a combination of online presentation by our faculty and a local facilitator we help them apply the Five Principles of Global Leadership to their leadership and organization.