Amidst the energy zapping tasks of setting up house and a somewhat normal routine, we are making time for some recreation. We decided to take up tennis as a family sport. It has been interesting, and all I can say is that no one has been whacked in the head yet.
We went to our first pot-luck after church on Sunday. It was a little different than we are used to as it was all Chinese food, of course, and it was on the beach. Since the church has no building, there are only two options for a party here in Hong Kong – beach or mountains. The beach was chosen, but we are in the middle of the rainy season, which brings with it biting sand flies and red tide. Red tide is some kind of algae that comes here this time of year that is very harmful if ingested. So, we wore our swimsuits in the rain and let the kids play in the streams coming down from the mountain flowing into the ocean.
It was an experience. We did meet lots of wonderful fellow Christians from all over the world that are living here in Hong Kong as we are. Sarah played tug of war and has a rope burn as a battle scar. Both of the girls had a great day.