Agape in Leadership

Over the last year or so, I have become a fervent follower of servant leadership. In my last trip in India, the reasons became more clear to me on a development and personal level. For the developmental level, I saw the connection with the leaders in India when...

Before vision, check motivation

Recently I was reminded of David’s charge to Solomon and his work as a leader. In 1 Chronicles 28:9 “And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands...

A Legacy of Killing Giants

In reading the Bible through the years to my four children, David and Goliath is always one of their favorite parts. The picture of the young David picking up a stone and using a sling to kill the big mean giant is fascinating. How much courage did David have? Well,...

Pray for November Training Projects-India

Please keep Jay and the following projects in your prayers this month. 1st. Sishya An Indian mission organization that desires to Birth & grow unique leaders of Truth, Integrity and Excellence who serve the global community as we follow the Lord Jesus Christ....

Awesome to see God at Work

A few weeks ago, I was able to spend the day with Pastor Peter while in Hong Kong. We had a wonderful time together and as we planned for 2013. I am amazed to see how much God can do with one individual who is completely sold out for Him. Below are two projects that...

Need for Strategic Leaders in NonProfit Organizations

   I am preparing for another trip to Cambodia in which I will continue the “Going Deeper” series. The objective of the series is to expand on the leadership development   principles learned by the 45 participants who attended our development process over...

A Reminder

A few weeks ago, the Clarks attended Pine Cove Family Camp. The theme this year was “Fight” – we are in a battle each day and must be on the offensive. The battle is spiritual and it rages against our families as we try to live for Christ. With all...

Jars of Clay

Over the past few months, our family experienced a wonderful blessing of serving in Alabama and South Texas. As Sarah finished her chemo and her port was removed, it provided us freedom to step back into the mission world as a family. We were in Alabama for the month...