New blog site

Our daughter, Sarah Grace, was diagnosed with Leukemia on January 15, 2010.  Since that time, we started a blog to update everyone on her progress.  The blog is Blessings, The...

To the Museum

The homeschool group here took a field trip to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. We took the bus (the most direct form of transportation here) from our little community to the museum’s street. This particular museum is located a lot closer to the border of Mainland China...

National Day

Oct. 1st was National Day here in Hong Kong. This is a holiday that commemorates when China became the communistic People’s Republic of China. Most people are off work on this day and so we took the opportunity to have a holiday as well. We went to the lake and had a...

Rebekah Hope Clark

Rebekah Hope Clark was born on February 27, 2009 in Princess Margaret Hospital in the Lai King area of Hong Kong. She was 4.2 kilos, which is 9lbs. 3 oz.  There were 30 other babies, all Asian, in the nursery when Rebekah was born (and their mothers were in the same...

Chinese New Year and New Baby Almost Here

  We experienced our first Chinese New Year here in Hong Kong. We have always been traveling during this holiday before and not in the country, so we were glad to be here for it this year.  It is the most celebrated holiday here and lots goes on during the two...

First Winter in Hong Kong

There are very good reasons why we haven’t updated the blog in over 4 months! Well, even if they are ‘good’ reasons, I will offer them anyway Jay was in the middle of kidney stone pains and ended up undergoing 3 surgeries before it was all over. I was so sick with...

Almost there …

How many times as a kid did I ask “are we there yet?” and my parents replied “we are almost there.” As a kid, I never really understood “almost there.”  It seemed such a long time.  Now as a father, I find myself saying the same thing to our kids “we are almost...

Kidney Stones and a Baby

People say that passing kidney stones and having a baby are similar…the jury is still out on that one. Sorry for the long lapse in time without an update. We have had some circumstances that have prevented us from writing.The good news is that I am about 3 months...

God’s Sovereign Hand Over My IPOD

Yesterday I set up a new playlist called “chill out”.  My goal was to listen to this playlist on my way home from work so I would be calm during the journey of over 1 hour with about 2 million people (not exaggerated).  As I was changing trains, my shuffle took me to...