More than One Independence Day

Our July 4th looked a little different this year. We did get to see some fireworks on nearly the same night as the 4th since Hong Kong celebrates their ‘independence’ from England and reinstitution to communism on July 1. A little ironic for the fireworks to mean such...

Waiting and Refuge

On our trip to church this week, Anne and I were trying to catch up on the sermon series at Bent Tree and heard Joann do a wonderful job explaining God’s sovereignty titled “I’m in the details.”  In her definition of sovereignty, she said God not only wants us to know...

Second Time Around

After our third move across the ocean within a year, we are slowly getting into a normal routine – although normal for the Clarks has been hard to define lately. This time around here in Hong Kong, we do have bars on the windows of our 27th floor apartment, we...

We’re headed back to China!

Jay left just after Mother’s Day to secure housing for us and to work, work, work at the office in Hong Kong. The girls and I are packing up and will fly out on June 2nd. (Click here to view pictures) We have really enjoyed our time in Texas – a big house,...

Just in time for Thanksgiving

We are in Texas! And we will be here in Plano for almost 9 months. Through some amazing and providential events, we have been brought back to Texas for a short time while Jay spends time on some projects here in Dallas. He will still be going to back to China often...

Jay on the Air

Jay was asked to speak in church on Sunday about the business we do here and how that coincides with showing God’s love to the Chinese. Below is the link: Click on Healthy Heart. or go to and go to...

Kids are Kids

No matter where you go, one thing is always similar – the kids. And now that we have kids, this is much more obvious. They have made friends here and their little relationships are just like the ones they had back in America -only the languages spoken are varied...

Mid-Autumn Festival

This fall we celebrated one of the two most important holidays here in China – the Mid-Autumn Festival. There are many legends about how this day was started in 1000 BC having to do with the moon goddess, worshipping the moon, and rebelling against the Mongols....

Chinese National Day with Uncle Johnny

Jay’s brother John is teaching English in the northern part of mainland China, and during the week-long national holiday (like American’s 4th of July in a way), John came to stay with us. The girls had a blast spending time with their uncle and I think John had a nice...

Enduring Change

Hello Everyone, It is hard to believe that we have been in Hong Kong for five months.  The past year and a half since we sold our house has been a blur as so much has changed in our lives.  Our daughters are growing in so many ways, our business is growing as we have...